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On the 11th of July, the Ignite Youth team was invited by YETT (Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust) to lead a Teen Moms Life Skills Training Event in Mbare. The event was geared towards empowering teen moms from low-income communities by equipping them with key life skills, enhancing their self-esteem, and providing practical support for their personal and professional development.

The event was structured to cater for career guidance, self-esteem, mental health, decision making and reproductive health. Some of the key objectives of the event were to equip teen moms with critical life skills, enhance self-esteem and promote positive self-image, provide career guidance and entrepreneurial skills, offer reproductive health education and access to menstrual and contraceptive products and foster a supportive community environment. The event also sought to rewrite limiting narratives and stigmas around being a young mother. Specifically, many grow up to believe they cannot achieve their goals and aspirations, due to being weighed down by the gravity of responsibility. These narratives become self-fulfilling prophecies, especially in the presence of low-income communities.

Tinashe Takarwa, the Events and Marketing Officer, shared inspiring stories of teenage mothers who become successful despite their circumstances. These include, but not limited to, Pokello Nare (a Zimbabwean socialite, businesswoman and former Big Brother Africa (BBA) housemate), Pearl Thusi (South African actress, model, and presenter) and Connie Ferguson (a South African based Motswana actress, filmmaker, producer and businesswoman).


The young women were then presented with engaging moral dilemma scenarios, which were meant to gauge their values, principles and beliefs. The scenarios challenged the ladies to know themselves, as this is pivotal in leading a life of success. Below are some of the scenarios:

A: Tatenda wants to go back to school. Her mother says she can pay for her school fees and take care of the child however she found a sugar daddy who has a lot of money that can change her life and can cater for her school fees.

What should Tatenda do?


B: Juliette has a committed boyfriend who hustles and wants to get married to her. However, Juliette recently met a sugar daddy who wants to take her as a second wife. This sugar daddy is HIV positive and has a lot of money.

What should Juliette do?


C: Mai Chipo gives strange advice on how to raise Rudo’s child. Some of the advice is contradictory to what the doctors do. Rudo values her relationship with Mai Chipo but is concerned about the conflicting advice.

How should Rudo handle the situation respectfully but firmly?


The scenarios sparked a lot of controversy and conversation. Some shared that they would go with the sugar daddy, given the access to financial wealth. Some shared they’d remain committed, as they are firm believers in love and making things work. The scenarios exposed interest aspects and character traits – and some even shared that they were unaware about some aspects of themselves.


Talent Sibanda, the Logistics Officer, shared on the importance of being independent. She shared on the downfall of being dependent on parents and sugar daddies, more so sugar daddies as there are numerous downfalls. These include STIs, pregnancy and sometimes even abuse.

Tadiwa, Admin and HR Officer, shared a brilliant strategy to raise money (raising chickens), which aids in attaining independence. He shared on the required materials and strategies, and how it can be a lucrative source of income especially in the Zimbabwean economy.

Tadzie Madzima, the founder, designed and led the program, ensuring all the event objectives were met.


Ignite Youth would like to extend its gratitude to YETT for the invitation, and looks forward to similar programs.

Ignite Youth

IGNITE Youth Organisation is dedicated to shaping and encouraging young people aged 13 to 29 years to emergence and a life of purpose. We help them realize their dreams, live to their fullest potential and ultimately impact their communities. We’re all about igniting a generation to create impact and change their world.

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