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Ignite LifeProgram

Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Program.

Joshua Madalitso Chikwizo
  • Leading a purpose-driven life and having mental wellbeing is intrinsically connected. The Lifeline Program helps youth develop their emotional wellbeing through tools and activities that help them cope with challenges such as depression, anxiety, stress and set-backs in their young adulthood. In the IGNITE Lifeline Program, we aim to tackle the tough topics and issues that young people often face and aim to inspire, motivate them and give them hope and a feeling of purpose.
  • Our Peer to Peer Youth Counseling Program focuses on equipping young people to learn the basic skills on how to provide counsel to each other. Youths sometimes respond to the intervention of other youths better than to that of adults. It’s reassuring for them to talk to someone their age who has gone through what they have gone through. The young peer facilitators act as discussion leaders who encourage participants to talk about the issues of living with mental illness – either their own or that of their family members.

The toolkit aims at providing resources, tools and fun creative challenges and activities for youth in the following areas of focus:

● Understanding Mental Health.
● Men’s Mental health.
● Mental wellbeing for girls.
● How Creativity boosts Mental Wellbeing through the colour your life painting initiative.

● Innovation for Mental Health (including tech).
● Mental Health and the Economy.
● Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (How eating well and fitness improve mental wellbeing).
● How Relationships affect young people’s mental wellbeing (Romantic, Family etc).

Ignite Youth

IGNITE Youth Organisation is dedicated to shaping and encouraging young people aged 13 to 29 years to emergence and a life of purpose. We help them realize their dreams, live to their fullest potential and ultimately impact their communities. We’re all about igniting a generation to create impact and change their world.

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